আসসালামু আলাইকুম,  সবাই কেমন আছেন? আশা করছি সবাই ভাল আছেন।  গত পোস্টে  আপনাদেরকে কিছু Wh কোয়েশ্চেন মেকিং এর কোশ্চেন এবং আনসার দিয়ে দিয়েছিলাম।  আজকের এই পোস্টে আরো অনেকগুলো প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর দিয়ে দিব।  আজকের পোস্টে আপনাদেরকে ৭০ টি WH Question Making এর প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর দিয়ে দিব।  আপনারা এগুলো প্র্যাকটিস করলে অনায়াসে পরীক্ষা ভালো ফলাফল করতে পারবেন।  আমি যে প্রশ্নগুলো দিয়েছি এগুলো সাধারণত অনার্স সেকেন্ড ইয়ার এর প্রশ্ন।  অনার্স সেকেন্ড ইয়ার ইংলিশ গ্রামারের একটা অংশ হচ্ছে এই  WH Question.

Wh question making

08. WH questions  making from the following sentences :

( a ) Nobody trusts a liar .

 ( b ) She has become great by dint of hard labour . 

(c) Our college was established in 1962 . 

(d) The crowd shouted cheerfully .

(e) The doctor advised the patient to keep his body fit . 

(e) They read the book twice . 

(f) Rasel spent his holidays in his village .

08. Answer

( a ) Who trusts a liar ? 

( b ) How has she become great ? 

(c) When was your college established ? 

(d) How did the crowd shout ? 

(e)What did the doctor advise the patient ? (f) How many times did they read the book ? 

(g) Where did Rasel spend his holidays ? 

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09. WH questions  making from the following sentences :

( a ) I know your elder brother , 

( b ) The writer lived there in autumn . 

( c ) The letter is from Japan . 

( d ) Our Principal is kind and large - hearted man . 

( e ) He established a hospital to give free medical treatment to the poor . 

( f ) Sumon usually gets up early in the morning . 

( g ) The language movement took place in 1952 .

09. Answer 

Whom do you know ? When did the writer live there ? Where is the letter from ? How is your Principal ? Why did he establish a hospital ? When does Sumon usually get up ? When did the language movement take place ? 

10. WH questions  making from the following sentences :

( a ) While walking along the road a truck ran over him.

(b) They treated him as their guest . 

(c) He cut a sorry figure in the examination . (d) He died of cancer . 

(e) The shop at the head of the street is Mr. Khan's . 

(f) This is Hasan's umbrella . 

(g) Kazi Nazrul Islam was born at Churulia .

10. Answer

When did a truck run over him ? How did they treat him ? How did he do in the examination ? How did he die ? 

   Whose shop is at the head of the street ? Whose umbrella is this ? Where was Kazi Nazrul Islam born ? 


11. WH questions  making from the following sentences :

( a ) There are five books on the table .

( b ) The bank closes at 4 p.m. 

( c ) Dinajpur is famous for fine rice . 

(d) My son's success made me happy . 

(e) Everybody wishes to be happy .

(f) It is quarter to eleven now . 

(g) By the side of a lake the park stands . 

11. Answer

How many books are there on the table ? When does the bank close ? What is Dinajpur famous for ? What made you happy ? Who does not wish to be happy ? What is the time now ? Where does the park stand ? 

12. WH questions  making from the following sentences :

( a ) They missed the bus for their delay . ( b ) Of all the fruits , I like the mangoes most . 

( c ) He went home to take care of his ailing father . 

( d ) The building is forty - five feet high . ( e ) He spent many years in Japan . 

( f ) Green mangoes taste sour . 

(g) Sheema opened the door .

12. Answer

Why did they miss the bus ? Which fruit do you like most ? Why did he go home ? What is the height of the building ? How high is the building ? How long did he spend in Japan ? Which mangoes taste sour ? Who opened the door ? Ör , What did Sheema open ? 

13. WH questions  making from the following sentences :

( a ) The authoress lives there in autumn .. ( b ) Dhaka is famous for mosques . 

(c) He was born in Barishal . 

( d ) Nelson Mendela was a great leader of Africa . 

(e) The car runs fifty kilometers per hour . (f) The news makes him laugh . 

(g) Bangladesh became independent in 1971. 


Where does the authoress live in autumn ? What is Dhaka famous for ? Where was he born ? Who was Nelson Mandela ? At what speed does the car run ? What makes him laugh ? When did Bangladesh become independent ?

14. WH questions  making from the following sentences :

( a ) Her efforts proved successful . 

( b ) This house belongs to my father . 

( c ) We should respect our seniors . 

( d ) Our mistake caused the explosion . 

( e ) He delivered his lecture at the end of the meeting . 

(f) He went to the airport to receive his friend . 

(g) I saw the man last at his native village . 


How did her efforts prove ? Whom does this house belong to ? Whom should you respect ? What caused the explosion ? When did he deliver his lecture ? Why did he go to the airport ? Where did you see the man last ? 

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15. WH questions  making from the following sentences :

( a ) Children play cricket on Sundays . 

(b) He visits his mother every week . 

( c ) She can speak Bangla , English and French . 

(d) He is entrusted with a noble task . 

( e ) She comes from Khulna . 

(f) The boy can't go out because of severe cold . 

(g) The doctor suggested the patient not to eat fats . 

Wh question making

15. Answer

what days children play cricket ? How often does he visit his mother ? Which languages can she speak ? What is he entrusted with ? Where does she come from ?  Why can't the boy go out ?  Who suggested the patient not to eat fats ?

16.  WH questions  making from the following sentences : 

(a) She looks like a rose .

(b) He entered the room silently . 

(c) He comes to college on foot.

(d) I saw him in the meeting.

(e) Shakespeare wrote Hamlet .  

( f ) I want the red pen .

(g) I borrowed two books from the library.

16. Answer

  What does she look like ?  How did he enter the room ? (How does he come to college ? Where did you see him ? Who wrote Hamlet ? Which pen do you want ? How many books did you borrow from the Library? 

17. WH questions  making from the following sentences :

( a ) Nobody believes a liar .

( b ) He was only four when his father died . (c) I take five cups of tea a day .

(d) There was a terrible accident in front of the Press Club.

(e) It is 9 o'clock now .

( f ) They are playing football . 

(f) Our college is two kilometers away from our house .


Who believes a liar ?  How old was he when his father died ? How many cups of tea do you take a day ? Where was a terrible accident ? What time is it now ? What are they doing ? Or, What are they playing ? How far is your college from your house ?

আশা করি আজকের পোস্টটি আপনাদের কাছে ভালো লেগেছে।  কেমন লেগেছে আমাদেরকে জানতে ভুলবেন না কমেন্টের মাধ্যমে।  আর কি কি ধরনের পোস্ট আপনারা চান আমাদেরকে কমেন্ট করে জানাবেন।  ইংলিশ গ্রামারের অন্য কোন নতুন টপিক নিয়ে হাজির হবো আগামী পোস্টে । সে পর্যন্ত সবাই ভালো থাকুন, সুস্থ থাকুন আল্লাহ হাফেজ। 

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