আসসালামু আলাইকুম, আপনারা সবাই কেমন আছেন? আশা করি আল্লাহর রহমতে আপনারা সবাই ভাল আছেন।  আপনারা যারা পড়ালেখা করেন বা শিক্ষকতা করেন তারা অবশ্যই Wh Question Making চিনেন। ইংলিশ গ্রামারের একটা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংশ হচ্ছে Wh Question Making। পঞ্চম শ্রেণীর সিলেবাসে Wh Question Making এর একটা অংশ আছে।  এছাড়াও অনেক শ্রেণীতেই এই Wh Question Making সিলেবাস এ আছে।  আবার আপনি যদি অনার্সে পড়েন তাহলে অনার্স সেকেন্ড ইয়ারে ইংলিশ এর মধ্যে এ Wh Question Making পাবেন।  যারা ডিগ্রিতে পড়েন ডিগ্রী থার্ড ইয়ারের সিলেবাস এই Wh Question অন্তর্ভুক্ত আছে। 

Wh question making

Wh Question  কি? 

Wh যুক্ত ওয়ার্ড (যেমন - how, what, which, where, who) দ্বারা কোন প্রশ্ন করলে তাকে Wh Question বলে।  Wh Question Making এর জন্য আপনাকে কিছু নিয়ম মানতে হবে।একেকটার  জন্য এক একটা  নিয়ম রয়েছে।  আপনারা যে কোন গ্রামার বই থেকে এই নিয়মগুলো দেখে নিতে পারেন।  আমি আজকে  কতগুলো Wh Question making  এর প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর দিয়ে দিব।  আপনারা এগুলো প্র্যাকটিস করলে অনেকটাই উপকৃত হবেন।  

Some example of Wh Question Making According To The Honours second Year English Question. 

1. Frame WH questions from the following sentences :

 ( a ) He reads the Daily Star . 

( b ) Nazrul was born at Churulia . 

( c ) A seminar on Eve - teasing was held yesterday . 

( d ) The college was built by Mr Abdul Karim .

 ( e ) She is crying for food .

 ( f ) It is quarter past ten . 

( g ) Our Principal is learned and well - behaved .



( a ) Which daily does he read ? 

( b ) Where was Nazrul born ? 

( c ) When was a seminar on Eve - teasing held ? 

(d) By whom was the college built ? 

Or . Whom / Who was the college built by ? (e) Why is she crying ? 

(f)What is the time ? 

(g) How is your Principal ? 

2. Frame WH questions from the following sentences : 

( a ) I met him in the bus . 

( b ) She lives with her mother .

( c ) They spoke to Robert . 

(d) He collects stamps . 

( e) He saw me yesterday . 

( f ) He reached home in the morning .

( g ) The flower is nice . 

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2. Answer

(a) Where did you meet him ?

(b) Whom / Who does she live with ? 

(c) Who did they speak to ? 

 Or, Whom did they speak to ? 

(d) What does he collect ? 

(e) When did he see you ? 

(f) When did he reach home ? 

(g) How is the flower ? 

3. Frame WH questions from the following sentences : 

( a ) I am looking for my bag . 

( b ) The train runs 60 miles per hour 

(c) He drives the director's car . 

( d ) I am going to Rangamati tomorrow .

(e) He is waiting for a good result . 

(f ) He bought banana , ora nge and lemon . ( g ) He takes the medicine three times a day .


(a) What are you looking for ?

(b) How many miles does the train run per hour ? 

Or,  What speed does the train run at ?

(c) Whose car do he drive ? 

( d ) Where are you going tomorrow ? 

(e) What is he waiting for ?

(f) What did he buy ? 

(g) How many times does he take the medicine a day ? 

4. Frame WH questions from the following sentences : 

(a) They did the work with hardship .

(b) He goes to visit his mother once in a week . 

( c ) The meeting was excellent .

(d ) Shakespeare wrote Macbeth .

(e) My father was then only 67 .

(f) The classes start at 9 am . 

( g ) The train leaves early in the morning .


(a) How did they do the work ? 

(b) How often does he go to visit his mother ?

(c) How was the meeting ? 

( d ) Who wrote Macbeth ?

( e ) How old was your father then ? 

(f) When do the classes start ? 

(g) When does the train leave ? 


5. Frame WH questions from the following sentences :

(a) His plane took off at midnight . 

(b) Nabi visits her mother once a month . 

( c ) My sister is coming from Hong Kong . ( d ) She has been sleeping for half an hour . ( e ) It is fifteen minutes past nine now . 

( f ) She gets up at 5 am .

( g ) I have come from Natore . 

5. Answer

When did his plane take off ? 

(b) How often does Nabi visit her mother ? (c) Where is your sister coming from ? 

(d) How long has she been sleeping ? 

(e) What is the time now ?

(f)  When does she get up ?

(g) Where have you come from ? 

Wh question word

6.Frame WH questions from the following sentences : 

( a ) I brought this book from the library . ( b ) He married Saima . 

( c ) He looks like a filmstar .

( d ) She died of cancer . 

( e ) Ali is one of the tallest boys .

( f ) We have supper at 8 p.m. 

( g ) I am 18 years old . 

6. Answer

(a) Where did you bring this book from ? 

( b ) Whom did he marry ? 

( c ) What does he look like ?

(d) Which disease did she die of ? 

Or, How did she die ? 

(e) Who is one of the tallest boys ? 

(f) When do you have supper ? 

(g) How old are you ?


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7. Frame WH questions from the following sentences : 

( a ) My name is Fahim . 

( b ) I am 20 years old .

 ( c ) I have come from Dhaka . 

 (d) Her brother is a magistrate .

 ( e ) He looks pale because of his sickness . ( f ) She comes at 10 am .

 ( g ) He will not come because he is ill .

7.  Answer

(a ) What is your name ? 

(b)How old are you ?

(c) Where have you come from ? 

(d) What does her brother do ? 

(e) Why does he look pale ?

(f) When does she come ? 

( g ) Why will he not come ? 

তো এই ছিল আমাদের আজকের পোস্ট।  এটি ছিল ডব্লিউ এইচ কোশ্চেন মেকিং নিয়ে আমাদের প্রথম পার্ট। ডাবলু এইচ কোশ্চেন নিয়ে আরো কয়েকটি পার্ট আমরা দিব।  ডাব্লু এস কোশ্চেন নিয়ে কোনো প্রশ্ন থাকলে অবশ্যই আমাদেরকে জানাবেন।  এছাড়া গ্রামারের কোন কোন বিষয় নিয়ে পোস্ট করব সেটা আমাদেরকে জানাবেন।  পোস্টে করার জন্য আপনাদের সবাইকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ।

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